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They announced Biden caught covid.
They confined him.
Then suddenly he announced in a tweet he withdraws from the presidential race - despite he was adamant to do it.
Now CumAllah Harris is the nominee, leftlib media behaves like nothing happened.
Did they coup the old man?
Will we see Biden ever again?

Some questioned the authenticity of his signature of the "resign" paper. Here's a cool investigation by Wyatt of DPA:
Interesting comment:
> Wyatt : I examined this in detail last night Apparently, all of the signatures on his executive orders (with PDFs visible on the Federal Register website) going back to 2021 are exactly identical probably being copied and pasted If the signature on the Executive Orders is something copied from three or four years ago, it is plausible that his most recent signature (on the resignation document) is both different and genuine, because of the passage of time (and of course his mental deterioriation)
Does this mean he never actually signed any executive orders?