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thumbnail of Orbán-redpilling.png
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Listening what Orbán is talking about at Tusványfürdő, like last year  >>/50735/, this is the 33rd occasion for him.
Hilarious, he started with:
> now i'm gonna redpill you
Literally citing Matrix, explaining the blue pill, red pill metaphor. He says for us the Russo-Ukrainian war is the red pill.
I won't write stuff like last year, I don't think I have time to listen the whole thing anyway. Perhaps tomorrow or next week.
I want to note one thing he said, it's fairly at the start. He say Europe's engine was the Paris-Berlin axis, now this got irrelevant, and there is a new one: London-Warsaw-Kiev-Balitcs-Scandinavia. If we remember what Szálasi said about how the Anglos fight against Europe: they build clients on the shores and periphery of Europe and they use those to defeat the stronger states on the continent. If I put together the two thought, I can make sense of it.