thumbnail of Firstpost 20240731 - Violent Crowd Clashes with UK Police after Young Girls were Stabbed.mp4
thumbnail of Firstpost 20240731 - Violent Crowd Clashes with UK Police after Young Girls were Stabbed.mp4
Firstpost 20240731 -... mp4
(87.43 MB, 1280x720 h264)
Stabbing attack happened in Southport, England. Three young girls were killed, eight more were wounded, five of them are in critical condition. People are outraged ofc, and went to the streets. Three suspects were arrested, one of them 17 years old.

> import sandniggers
> they kill a bunch of euros
> now watch euroes beat up and arrest each other
> ???

This "live updates" news become very prominent at every event happening. Then these articles disappear to never be found again. No news sites keep workable archives. When we'll try to look back from the distance over a decade and search for the events, we'll find nothing happened.