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After stalling for days, claiming they couldn't release data because of a cyberattack, Bolivarian authorities published a new bulletin. This time they gave each candidate a broken percentage, but slipped into the old mistake when reaching total turnout:
> Valid votes: 12,335,884 (99,5900027682987%)
> Invalid/blank votes: 50,785 (0,409997231701275%)
Once again, both numbers are less than 01 (one, uno) vote from reaching perfectly round percentages (this time at the second digit, rather than the first). They couldn't announce 12,335,883.6571 voters showed up at the polls, so they pulled .3429 from the blank/invalid statistic.

Furthermore, once again the regime's results are not broken down by state and municipality and not backed by any tallies, unlike the opposition, which digitized thousands of them. Nonetheless, Maduro's results were approved by the Supreme Court. His supporters apparently claim the real tallies were submitted to the Court (no you can't see them). Blessed is he who believes without seeing.

The opposition makes a lot of noise in the streets and Maduro promises an iron fist - mass arrests, no pardon, even forced labor: "Antes a los presos los sacaban a hacer carreteras. Quedan muchos caminos por hacer, que vayan a hacer carreteras" (In the past, prisoners were sent to build highways. There are many roads left to do, let them make highways). Convict labor on highways has historical precedents in past Venezuelan dictatorships, and Maduro is more or less explicitly comparing himself to them.

Caracas Chronicles claims it is futile to falsify tally sheets, because even if you print fake numbers on the same format, there are too many ways to verify each individual tally. I still think Maduro will come up with fake tallies within the next few weeks. They don't need to make sense, they might very well be easily proven false. He just needs to rebut the opposition's complaints about transparency and muddy the waters. A handful of zealots will still believe him no matter what. The rest can be physically removed from the streets.