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IV. Respect the lay aristocracy and warriors
They are the wall defending the country, the protectors of the weak, the destroyers of enemies, and the expanders of the borders. They shouldn't be put to servitude. Don't be haughty with them, but lead them with virtue
V. True judgement and patience
I feel this one Machiavellian, perhaps I could find hints to previous points too, but this is a bit more apparent. Essentially leave judgements to the judges, and only serve justice in cases which suits well enough to make the king look good. Otherwise appear patient with everyone, don't swear oaths - don't pick sides essentially, he should distance himself from making enemies for decisions, leave that to the judges.
VI. About hosting guests and how to patronize them
Guests and newcomers enrich the country. They are basically sources of information, opportunities to learn. They bring knowledge and skills, weapons (literal, but information is a weapon too).
VII. The weight of the Council
Listen to the Council, listen to the old and wise. Avoid young, dumb, mediocre and proud ones.
VIII. Sons follow the predecessors
This is about continuity and traditions. The one about guests sounds progressive, this one is conservative. Fathers should direct the sons, and sons should obey their fathers. And then repeat when they become ones, follow the customs of the old. This point also says that each folk has their won customs and they should by ruled by that custom.
IX. Keep praying
X. Piety, mercy, and other virtues
Patience, strength, humility, temperance, gentleness, honourable, chasteness.