Huh. I didn't notice that but it does too.
I have heard that the Japanese R/L sound is kind of weird and it's actually something different to what our R is. Maybe that's what is happening.
But still, I rarely notice that, I didn't even notice it here until you mentioned it. 
I think the only other time I have noticed it was with Rumia in a game I played where she was pronounced Lumia, but I assumed that it was the VA having a better grasp of English and assuming that Rumia should be Lumia.

Just checking some more of his pronunciation, he pronounces all western words like that.
A cavalry guy says Rohan like Lohan as well.
Hmm. I think it is just a weird sound, I can pick it up when I replay the video at the exact point(often numerous times) where he makes the sound but just with normal watching I never notice it and I pick it up as an R instead.