I think the L/R division is very complex and not very well understood in the west and so people just use R even if it can also sound like an L.
Japanese has separate P and B letters and sounds. Here are there alphabets(well not Kanji of course that's way too massive to post).
You can hear it in the video I posted here >>/52356/ if you want. The very first thing that's said in this video is koko wa Japari Parku daiyo.
V is complex, they do sort of have V sounds but they are not listed in the alphabets I posted for some reason. Victoria as in Queen Victoria is spelt ヴィクトリア with ヴ being vu, so it's vuikutoria. Weirdly enough for some reason Victoria the state in Australia in Japanese is ビクトリア, so it's bikutoria. So that shows how the V sound in the same name can be made with different Japanese letters and sounds. I don't know why the two names are different to begin with though.
But yeas, the V sound is pretty rare and usually replaced by a B or even an fu such as in Otto von Bismark オットー・フォン・ビスマルク.
フォン is the von part with フ being fu and so von is spelt like fuon.