I would say that rate of fire was hugely important, that's also what most things I have read say(such as the book I mentioned before). And it makes sense, an archer has a limited window to fire at oncoming cavalry before they close, he needs to do as much damage as possible in that window.
Longbowmen were also used by the Landsknecht, well it was something like a longbow I think it might have been even bigger but is seems like it was more of a speciality weapon and not many of them used it. They were used by the English in conflicts other than the 100 years was as well, for example they were quite successful in some battles against the Scottish. The Longbowmen would create weak points in formations of Scottish pikes and the English cavalry would charge in and exploit these weak points.
Yes, firearms made the longbow obsolete. That's probably why we don't hear much about French archers, they were introduced in 1448 so they were already probably too late. Apparently they did see some combat though.