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Second topic of the day.
Hungary makes strategic partnership deal with Chad.

Back in 2023 November the Hungarian Parliament decided to send 200 troops (with 400 in rotation) to Chad, to do various tasks, advisory, support, battlefield monitoring, protecting Hungarian citizens and local Hungarian interest, supporting fight against terrorism. Main goal is to "reduce the pressure of illegal migration on Europe".
Since the US and Western Europe destabilized all the Muslim countries of the Mediterranean with the Arab Spring, most of those still can't plug the holes. Basically making the Sahel stable reduces the migration. For the same reason went our dear Ursula went to Egypt to talk to their dictator el-Sisi this year.
Here's article about it:
And another one from 2024 April, using a French paper as a source:
This also mentions that:
> Hungary has signed military, educational, health, agricultural, and energy memoranda of understanding with Chad.
And that in Chad Hungary substitutes Russia which is busy elsewhere, and this cooperation is very anti-EU.

News from yesterday: Chadian Prez Mahmat Déby visiting the country (I think it was mentioned last week this event will happen). Sunday evening Orbán hosted a dinner for him and had a nice chat. Our foreign minister Szíjjártó told stuff about the parternship:
So the parties signed:
- strategic cooperation, 
- defence, 
- animal husbandry
... agreements. And has some type of education component. Such as:
> university scholarships to 25 Chadian students each year
> 150-200 million euro tied aid programme to support agriculture, the food industry, and the development of water supply, education and digitalisation
> humanitarian scheme is launching a one million US dollar aid programme to prevent the spread of infections and improve health care 
> transfer of a 14 million euro contribution from the European Peace Facility to support the development of Chad's defence capacities
I dunno how much of those sums in this context.
We also establish embassy in Chad, so basically open real relationships.

There are some other info here. Franc don't want to lose Chad, while Russia also tries to court them.