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Day 7, tomorrow we'll cross halfway, time for a bit of speculation.

Juryo has two probable champion: Takerufuji and Chiyoshoma, both unbeaten, showing great form. I'd bet on the former. There is Asakoryu with 6-1 but he isn't as good as the first two, and he is small.
That's about it. Shishi is commendable for getting 5 wins, keeping up with previous performance, although it's a bit painful to watch him fighting. He tries to go lower, but he just bends forward more, and not squatting as he should. Bend those legs!
Hakuoho got taped up, I assume his arm, perhaps his shoulder hurts. Only 4-3. I have no doubt he'll get another 4 wins, but that is slim for him.
Aoiyama is nearing to the end of his career.

Onosato makuuchi yusho. Ofc, he still can botch it up but I don't think it's likely. He can win this with 12-3 or even better. One fail is guaranteed. But he is very strong and quick. His mind is in it. But opponents only get harder. And of the sanyaku rikishis can stop him.
Kirishima is back in his form, doing good. He also needs an excellent result. For now according to the points, he is the sole contender who could snatch the yusho from Onosato. Unlikely.
And Kotozakura is also there, with 2 points minus, not too promising, but he'll finish with respectable score.
Wakatakakage is coming up like groundwater. Only 2 losses, but he is towards the back of the banzuke, he had to face relatively easy opponents.
Oho is a surprise, at M2 and pulled 4 wins. Beat both ozekis. Respect.
Talking about ozekis. Hoshoryu's performance is a bit of disappointment, 3-4. I have no doubt he'll pull it together, but an 8-7 isn't a shining result, and for now it does seem like he'll reach about that.