thumbnail of tamawashi-vs-kinbozan.mp4
thumbnail of tamawashi-vs-kinbozan.mp4
tamawashi-vs-kinbozan mp4
(18.31 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of the-perfect-henka.mp4
thumbnail of the-perfect-henka.mp4
the-perfect-henka mp4
(26.7 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of wakatakakage-vs-onosato.mp4
thumbnail of wakatakakage-vs-onosato.mp4
wakatakakage-vs-onosa... mp4
(22.82 MB, 1280x720 h264)
I think this basho wasn't that great in the sense that only a few bouts were impressive. On the other hand a handful of them were really fucking impressive.
Tamawashi vs Kinbozan. Oldboy got a big fugging slap just behind his right ear. Down. Kinbozan had a godawful tournament, but this move was brutal.
And then this henka Abi pulled on Hoshoryu.
Lastly Wakatakakage's victory over Onosato. Wkage holding himself was masterful, and turning his sure loss into an epic win.

Now that we are at Onosato. He did an outstanding job. Great march, beating both ozekis. That two losses are the student fee he has to pay. I've no doubt he'll learn.
Down in juryo Takerufuji did excellent. BUT. Previously, couple of posts above I wrote him is getting to be a personal favourite and pick him over Onosato... nah, too... cocky, with similar primadonna attitude Hoshoryu had when he wasn't yet ozeki. Onosato while he isn't particularly humble, he looked moved after his successes and the following applause, rewards. Just the human moment from this talent which makes him more likeable. Also not Isegahama boy, who are everywhere.
Anyway Takerufuji might turn out a rival of Onosato. Considering that yusho of his in makuuchi last time.