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As our esteemed colleague noted  >>/52430/ Onosato made it to ozeki.
I've read this is the fastest ever ozeki promotion, he succeeded with only 9 tournaments under his belt.
His last three bashos had the results: 12-3, 9-6, 13-2 - gathering 34 points, allowing them to promote him. Also two yushos.
Here's the promotion ceremony:
And the press conference:

Now these two eight-sevens... and the rest of the notables.
This is a problem with the current top line of rikishis, they are good. They just seem to underachieve randomly. Both ozekis barely got that kachi koshi. I have the growing doubt that Hoshoryu has it in him to make it to yakozuna. I hope both him and Kotozakura can pull it together and be as reliable ozeki as Takakeisho was for years.
Takakeisho hasn't recovered and had to sit out the tournament.
Kirishima, the other failed ozeki had a good tournament, and started another ozeki run. Question is if he can keep it up. He can bring in 11-4, 12-3 results, he proved it before, maybe he'll manage again.
Wakatakakage is returning with a bang. While he mostly faced lower ranking rikishis, that Onosato win was a banger.
Have to make note of Takayasu, who did not seem 100% healthy. He was fighting from the end of the banzuke, and 10 wins are 10 wins.
I'm sad for Hiradoumi. That komosubi ranking might be a bit high for him.

At the end, here's a fun leaderboard. Who does the most henka in 2024? Even the topmost ones don't try more than a couple per basho.