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It's time for a "The Jews" post.
Maybe this would be better in the news thread, but it really is politics.
For various reasons for about a year know I have the luck to listen to the radio. Radio radio, not net radio, so the selection is quite slim. When push comes to shove I'm find listening politics and news. But that's all Fidesz media, no opposition or independent news channels.
About a year ago happened the Hamas attack on Israel and these programs broadcasted sometimes have mentioned the "growing antisemitism over the globe especially in Western Europe and how concerned the Hungarian government about this" this goes hand in hand with the questioning of Brussel's and Western European countries' migration politics during the past year. Lately, about since the beeper attack, these voices are getting stronger. People are invited into the studio talking about the situation in Israel, the views of Israel, the woes of of the Jewish people. For example a Jewish journalist or diplomat (did not payed attention at the introduction, sorry) was telling to the listeners in perfect Hungarian how clever and resourceful was the Israeli secret services with the beeper attack, and that we shouldn't be worried about the possible Hungarian involvement and its consequences. Or we were told that 200 attacks against Jews happened in Germany that lead to physical confrontation.
Most recently they were criticizing western censorship practices, how they are enforcing hate speech filtering in the West. They found it very concerning that while they censor hate speech against LGBTQ movement, they don't censor anti-Semitic statements. They were outraged how Westerners don't include Jews among the chosen ones who shouldn't be criticized or talked bad things about.
Of course they did not use the word censorship.

One good think tho.
They mentioned, that basically the Western suggestion to avoid hate and atrocities is: "don't be a Jew, or at least hide your identity". They said this is absurd and unacceptable.
I agree with this. When will the time come when they say:
> just don't be German
> just don't be French
> just don't be Polish
> just don't be Hungarian
> ...
This is really unacceptable.