So some of it I already wrote:  >>/52636/  >>/52649/
Here's the full pic.
Natto's discord was shut down.
Luckily he set up a site where I was able to download with with yt-dlp. It's pw protected.
Good news: it was for the users to watch somewhere so he shared username and pw.
Bad news: he shared it on Discord which is no more.
Good news: I remember the last pair he shared.
Bad news: he might change it for next basho.
He still has his Telegram, I don't have that, but I have peeps who checked it. Videos are up there too.
So, I either need a link to those videos or I need someone to check if he shares the uname and pw for his site on Telegram. Note: I'm not sure if I can dl the videos from Telegram even if I have links to them. So we need a solution.
That's about it.