> sexless marriages

Yes I already addressed that plus warned that anon about it to. Also no, it's not really because of "muh sanctitiy of marriage!" The reason why is because alimony in Japan doesn't exist in any shape or form.

Ownership of goods in a marriage is 50% but only if you decided to share it officially. Anything that's yours before the marriage is yours. Anything that's EXPLICITLY yours during the marriage and doesn't have her name on it is yours. Anything else that has both of your names or you bought for the both of you is up for grabs in divorce court.

Meaning if you're a dumbass cuck you can get fucked by a woman if you decide to have her name on your bank account, the percentage is automaticaly 50% and you can't do anything about it. Otherwise if you're smart you can decide to go your seperate ways and decide how much cash you want to giver her, if you're a dick, or she was just a huge bitch you can decide to not give her jackshit, and no court can force you to give her anything. If necessary divorce court is there to settle how much of certain pieces of shared property you can get or she can get. 

The only thing a woman can get a hold of that is yours alone via divorce court is your pension, but that's when you're both old farts and practically useless for the workforce. Which in my opinion is fair, you really can't expect a 60-70 yr old woman who only knew how to be housewife to be of any use in the workforce. Can you? I couldn't, but I may be a beta wimp for old women.