thumbnail of 1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia.pdf
thumbnail of 1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia.pdf
1983... pdf
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thumbnail of Steal This Book. mol 2.png
thumbnail of Steal This Book. mol 2.png
Steal This... png
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thumbnail of Steal This Book.bomb.png
thumbnail of Steal This Book.bomb.png
Steal This... png
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thumbnail of The_Poor_Mans_James_Bond_Vol_2_Kurt_Saxon_textbombd.png
thumbnail of The_Poor_Mans_James_Bond_Vol_2_Kurt_Saxon_textbombd.png
The_Poor_Mans_... png
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thumbnail of 1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia.pdf
thumbnail of 1983 Beirut barracks bombings - Wikipedia.pdf
1983... pdf
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Powdered chlorine forms with a seperate glass container of an acid like sulfuric or hydrochloric acid could make a binary chemical weapon similiar to a chemical weapons molotov cocktail. It could or could not be lethal enough tossed at a military tank to kill the crew. But could be good at killing some soldiers. I have read the Anarchist Cookbook has inaccurate formulas that lead to wrong chemicals being synthesized. I don't know if that is true or trolling or something.