> That's why the libertarians and Nazis on /pol/ generally get along just fine.

As a /pol/ack (I normally only lurk, I'm not shitting up post content), Naziboos do not get along with libertarians. It's pretty well agreed upon, of those over there, that libertarianism in its modern interpretation leads to leftist anarchy.

> Ironically, most right wingers don't believe in evolution

Source? Imo that's mostly a Ken Ham thing, not for normal conservatives.

> although they don't believe that different classes of people should be discriminated against based on their place in the social hierarchy.

Rattle off muh no true scotsman all you want or whatever variation of that there is (i.e. "that's Stalinism, I believe in true Trotskyism"), there's quite a bit of evidence to prove that isn't quite the case. It's just, well, the reverse of traditional neo-con'ism. Rather than the poor who get discriminated against, it's the ex-bourgeoisie/educated, who get discriminated against. Stalin gulag'd loads of scientists and productive farmers in order to enforce the 'freedom' of his proletariat proponents.