thumbnail of irishpride.jpg
thumbnail of irishpride.jpg
irishpride jpg
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Our next target for ideological subversion should be St. Patrick's day.

A) It's close enough to feel imminent but also far enough that we can actually shift something in the mind of the public before it happens.

B) St. Patrick's day is an ideal target because we would be striking a blow directly to the idea of "white identity". As St. Patrick's day is about having pride in being from a particular nation, it, by existing, reinforces the idea of nationalism in the popular consciousness.

We can use this to our advantage by instilling doubt in the public that this nationalistic holiday for white people should still be celebrated.

With the current political climate, it will be easy for us to take the disgruntled and jaded lens most normal people have and shift it onto a large group of white people celebrating the fact that they are from a white, christian, european, capitalist nation.

I think this would be easy to do especially if we were to act as a unified force. Memes, slogans, etc. would be used, as we could use this as a way to see what we could accomplish when acting as a cohesive meme force.