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I think we need a separate thread about logic and how to have productive discussions with Trump's fanboys. I have found that many liberals and moderates believe you cannot argue with Trump's supporters and be listened to, and so they get frustrated and give up. I certainly have, but I discovered a website that proposes a more reliable method of changing the mind of someone, but it can only be done if you can change the way politics are normally discussed. Please read what the philosopher has to say:

Whether or not you support Trump, these techniques should be the default way of talking about politics because they are more likely to lead to both parties finding the truth. These techniques are more likely to lead to cognitive dissonance and change minds, compared to the partisanship, mudslinging, and avoidance that characterize recent politics. 

Try to make the Socratic method your default way of talking to others so it comes easily to you. Phrase your statements as short questions, and then wait for your conversation partner to confirm them before you continue. You are more likely to change a mind by asking questions that mark them think of a contradiction, than if you tell them the contradiction and their mind blocks it and goes into the defensive. 

And if you have any other suggestions or resources for elevating the level of debate, please post them.

 We need to get proactive and start changing minds, including our own. Postmodernism is an insidious demon sucking at the guy of reason, and we have to wake up a lot of the population to the basic truth that we are all living in one reality with one set of facts. We can't afford to keep letting others treat opinions as sacred things that are automatically entitled to respect, and can be immune to argument. So please post whatever resources you have.