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You want to know what I think? Too bad, I'm telling you.

/pol/ fascists suck.  /leftypol/ communists suck too.

Fascism leads to mass murder, war and collapse. Communism has proven itself insolvent and tyrannical as well. BOTH SYSTEMS SUCK ASSCRACK. BOTH SYSTEMS SUPPORT TYRANNY OVER MAJOR POPULATIONS.

Fascist bootlickers suck! Commie control freaks suck! You all suck! You all parade around worshipping your FAILED so-called "utopias" that have never ever worked out well, and never ever will. You think big government is the solution to all your problems (reality check: governments tend to create more problems than they actually solve).

You worship dead dictators who all deserve to burn in hell. Pathetic! Absolutely fucking pathetic!

/pol/ and /leftypol/ are PSYOPs. That's what I think. Govt PSYOPs to entrap and dig dirt on people.

Enjoying my private encrypted VPN and browser ID spoofer faggots?