> Nation-states need something to time them together. A common culture, language, history and origin

You're going to be surprised when I say that I don't even disagree with this.

> all these things are tied in with ethnicity.

They can be but that's not always necessarily the case.

Most of the blacks, whites, Asians, etc... living in the United States (that were born here) identify as Americans above all else. You're not going to meet very many black people here who would be willing to fight for an African nation over the United States.

> Being of the same class as somebody isn't the basis of a nation.

Most classical Marxists believe in the elimination of nation states anyway.

> The USSR is the one example of a nation that was supposed to be tied together by class and not ethnicity. Look how that turned out!

The same could be said of Nazi Germany except for the fact that the Germans based their entire national identity on their ethnicity and they lasted a much shorter time than the USSR did.
Not to mention, they were utterly defeated by the USSR.