>> Do most people live here?
Like most people. I got out.
>> Is it safe to return home?
It is relatively safe to come for a week or two, having previously made sure that you do not have subpoenas, do not hang a debt, do not have a case. And being financially and mentally ready to fly away in a few hours.
My tastes are very specific.
There are no countries
The problem is, you're still in the neighborhood of Mordor, where unconventional sex practices are taboo. If you do not fit the old-fashioned Internet dating, you definitely need club-parties, only fucking, only hardcore - well, it's difficult to compete with DS-ami, it's yes.
>> How stupid is it to go back?
You're devaluing those two years. You cling to the past instead of building your future. You're taking an unnecessary risk.
Well, speaking of your "specific tastes," are you sure you'll come back and find what you're looking for? A lot has changed over the years. . .