>  Person fails as a man in a number of dimension, and therefore gets dysphoria about the gender they can't perform
That is such a bull shit.

I have a similar life story. At the age of circa 20 I realized that I will never have a girlfriend or even a date. And I have zero masculinity. As a teenager I’ve used to identify myself as an emo-kid. I got used to due my hair, to wear girlish and unisex clothes, etc. So naturally later I got interested in cross-dressing. That was the only way I could touch a woman (well, sorta). I was quite skinny, I had narrow shoulders and a nice waist, so it looked naturally. That was 10 years ago. I would have a nice feminine body if I started HRT back when. But I didn’t. I realized that a lack of masculinity doesn’t mean that I actually can be a woman. I cannot be a woman just because I’m an incel.

Failing as a man doesn’t automagically turn a person into a woman. That is absurd. A such person is just a failed man, no more, no less.

I can confirm that I am a failed man. I cannot rise a child or support a family, I cannot complete a hard psychical work, I cannot get a date with a woman, I cannot stand for myself, I cannot satisfy a woman in sex. So? It doesn’t turn me into a woman, LOL. That would be so absurd.

p.s. because of my cross-dressing hobby I was lucky to have a trans-girl as a friend for a period of my life. She works at an ordinary job, and lives her life quite quietly. She (unlike Mr. Babkin) never drank urine on a life-stream, never done porn. She felt a girl from her childhood (Mr. Babkin apparently didn’t). I never questioned her gender, because she is a real lady. We’re no longer in touch, but I sure she wouldn’t describe Mr. Babkin as a “real” trans-woman, either.

Mr. Babkin was a screaming freak who was totally lost in his life. I’m sorry, but that’s my opinion on him. Apparently that is also the reason he had so much hate from the LGBT community.