If a person fails as a man and doesn't even want to try imprvoving on, such as going to gym, developing dominant character and getting plastic surgeires, that person is not a man. And since Antonina was not okay with people expecting her to perform male duties, such as serving in the army or being a man with a woman, she had gender dysphoria.

Now, it is okay for a woman to be infantile, non-dominant and weak, so transitioning is a good idea even if to manage expectations. I.e. you have more chances dating a lesbian cis or ts, than you have dating a normal heterosexual woman, seeking a proper man (Antonina wanted either egalitarian relationship or the one where she is submissive). Same in other dimensions: people will see you're not a man and wont be expecting you to do heavy work or to be strong.

But in case with Antonina, we also had strong gender euphoria, since she loved dressing feminine, polishing nails. was obsessed with her looks and wanted to be a woman and ultimately to undergo vaginoplasty. In othe words, she was far more comfortable as a woman, than as a man.

There are a ton of reasons people transmax, but most of them come to having unmanly character and it is being a way to shift expectations. The problem with Antonina is that in her case insecure people kept attacking her for betraying the male gender and conservative values.

Same way people attack me, when I say that I transitioned becasue I despise masculinity and dominance. They can't accept that one can dislike the male gender itself and plainly refuse to perform male duties, without feeling any shame, while they are working hard to provide for their families.

Of course transition (especially an incomplete one) doesn't solve all the mental issues and social. For example, I get rejected by friends and dates due to me being super hysterical and low pass (bald, no FFS, etc..). One woman from Tinder wanted to date me, but then got angry I want to remove my dick and blocked me. So it is a really bad idea to date women (especially cis) before HRT, since they will think you're just a weird femboy who will still perform male duties. So FFS and vaginoplasty are mandatory for dating.

Also, Antonina never drank urine. Olissya did that (shade made chinese noodles with urine). Although transphobes poured urine on Antonina against her will.