>  If a person fails as a man and doesn't even want to try improving on, such as going to gym, developing dominant character and getting plastic surgeries, that person is not a man
I strongly disagree. At least I identify myself as a man. Yep, I am a feminine man, a femboy if you will (thought I don’t think a 30 y.o. person can be described with the word “boy”, buy you get the idea). But certainly not a woman.

Yes, I am weak and submissive. That comes from my illness. As a kid I went through a series of surgeries, and so I wasn’t allowed to do any sports or hard/dangerous physical activities. But still I was raised as a boy, and never felt the other way.

I can’t be a woman since I don’t know how to. All my buddies were boys, all my hobbies are associated with men (computer science, electrical engineering, retro-gaming, etc.). Communication with a woman sometimes feels like communication with an alien to me. Like I just can’t comprehend their way of thinking. Or I get bored very quickly, because I am not interested in things such as fortune-telling, astrology, new movies, gossip about your friends and other things that many women tent to do.

Every community I ever got into is an male-dominated community. And it is not that women are not allowed to be a part of these communities, they just don’t want to.

The harsh reality is that being a woman is much more than just polish your nails, being submissive, physically weak and emotionally unstable. In my opinion you can be a cis man and still do all kind of fun things that are considered as “girlish”. It it stupid conservative society that forces people to have only one set of qualities (either feminine or masculine).

And so, I can play a role of a woman from time to time for the sake of fun. But it is that it is: a cosplay, a fake, an imitation. Real trans-woman are not “role-playing”, they do it naturally. And I strongly believe that Mr. Babkin wasn’t one of them; he was role-playing. Sorry.

>  Also, Antonina never drank urine
That was an exaggeration. But you get the idea. He hang out with the weirdos who made fun of him.