> западные коммьюнити походу как раз наоборот считают что надо форсить принятие обществом всех такими какие они есть
Exactly! Same with bodypositivity, down syndrome and thee rest of "special olympics." I.e. don't do abortion, accept these freaks at the expense of the humanity in general. I would be right wing, if not the rightist attitude towards medical transitioning and belief that hard work can get one place in Heaven. So being above all the political noise, sounds like a rational decision.

> Инцело-шизо-комьюнити же
They hate me, since I insist they should transition. Incels are not just losers, but the losers who blame others for them failing as men. Incels still try to struggle, like gymmaxxing or pretending to be normal, hiding their autism. But that only makes them worse.

> Вообще "потерпеть неудачу как мужчина" звучит как "мужик должен".

Success and achievement is the foremost quality of a real man. Of course you can refuse to work hard or fail to succeed, but then don't be surprised people treat you like the piece of loser you're. My words are harsh, but they are true. Don't make lefties and right wingers make you believe that you can be accepted as a loser or work to stop being one. If you don't have strong personality, then there two options: female hormones or suicide.

> Что такое "потерпеть неудачу как мужчина"?
1. Weak personality (mental issues, submissive, etc...).
2. No money for pay to win.
3. Not masculine looking (can be fixed given money and strong personality).

> Обязывает ли эта неудача к транзишну в женщину?
Nope. You have three options.
1. Transition.
2. Suicide.
3. Suffer.

> Почему именно в женщину, а не в небинарку?
Because those failing as men are already non-binary. Nobody will ever accept such freaks, because that will be detrimental to humanity and the morals of real men. If unmanly men get accepted into male spaces, they will ruin them and lower the bar.

> "Потерпеть неудачу как мужчина" это глобальное жизнеопределяющее событие или временный провал?
If you got depressed after your side lost a battle and need some time to regroup, then it is temporary.
If you want surrender to the winning side to evade responsibility for the loss and to avoid fighting further, then you're not a real man. American army called such weaklings "Nancy boys", back when US still had conscription. Nowadays mostly true men go into army, although traitors, like Chelsea Manning, do pop up, doing a lot of damage.

> А быть красивым, бородатым и при этом проявлять женственную экспрессию, полагаю, запрещено законами природы и вселенной?

These are effeminate gay men and drag queens - freaks who exist to entertain the crowd.