> лмао, такое увлечение - самое что ни на есть "male activity"
That is incel activity for nerds and losers.

> и что? не все "men" обязательно являются (и должны являться) "macho"
Those who don't are non-binary - incels, omegas, losers, humans trash.

> нет, потому что мне обидно за настоящих трансух, которые вынуждены мириться с тем, что всякие вот "антонины" причисляют себя к их числу

Who are you to determine who is real trans or not? Some gay man, crossdressing to attract heterosexual perverts, who got bored with scat and zoophilia? I know many gays do "trans" escort in Moscow, without HRT or anything. They believe enough makeup turns them into a woman and strong perfume will hide the male stench. I'm attracted to women myself, but never ever I was attracted to such gay crossdressers, even though enjoy sex with real trans, like Antonina.

> сюда же хилми, карейка и т.п.
I agree wholeheartedly about Khilmi. He is just an effeminate gay. A drag performer at its finest. The non-binary type. He is also overly positive and has upbeat nature, just like all _these_ gay types. But Antonina was a proper trans in all sense, down to her autistic, depressive and hysterical nature. It is easy to see a real trans. We rarely crossdress, especially in public, before transitioning, and hormones are far more important for us than social transitioning. For real trans, it is either transition or suicide. For Khilmi it is just a way to be cool gay.

> Наверное тебе следует присудить какое-то звание, которое будет показывать твоё главенство на борде? 

Everyone sees I'm a source of authority, threatening their leftist or right wing cause, otherwise Reddit SJWs or Imageboard alt-rights would have never banned me.