
> 「駄犬」は卑罵語ですか?

is "daken" [mutt/mongrel] a derogatory term?
> それで、柴犬(ごす)は駄犬ですか?

then, is shiba inu (gosu) a daken?

> 日本語には 「駄目な子ほど可愛い」と言う言い回しがあるんだよね

in japanese it's said "cute as a spoiled child"
> なので駄犬スレは馬鹿で駄目だけど可愛い犬のスレ

so a daken thread is a silly spoiled-but-cute dog thread
> shibeのミームと似たようなものかな

the shib[a?] meme is a similar thing, probably

> ここでミーム化している「駄犬」は「頭の悪い犬」程度の意味かな

by the meme-isation "駄犬 (daken)" approximately means "retarded dog"
> 頭の悪そうな顔をした犬の画像に頭の悪いセリフを付けると駄犬ミームになる

pictures of dogs with retarded captions became the daken meme
> 「ごす」というのは駄犬の飼い主のこと

"gosu" is said to the owner of the daken
> ご主人さま→ごしゅじん→ごすずん→ごす と訛らせて駄犬の頭の悪さを演出してる

it is a corruption that went: goshujinsama (lord master) -> goshujin (master) -> gosuzun (master?) -> gosu [mast-]

> 犬とはさ怖くにみえる馬鹿だけど

the dog, though it looks scary is however stupid
> 根本的に悪意を持たない

fundamentally lacking malice
> 大声でワンワン鳴きつつ遊びたいだけじゃ

just want to play arf-barking loudly

> 「駄犬」は卑罵語ですか?

> 馬鹿犬って意味です

the meaning is foolish dog
> 柴犬はしつけが難しい犬種なので馬鹿な犬になりやすいのです

shiba inu is a difficult race to discipline, so it's easy for them to become foolish
> それで、柴犬(ごす)は駄犬ですか?

> ここでは駄犬扱いされてます

here they are treated as daken
> そして「ごす」は「ご主人(ごしゅじん)」って意味で英語のhey gosuはhey, my lordって言ってるのです

thus "gosu" is "goshujin" (master), i.e., in english "hey gosu", i.e., "hey, my lord [master]"
> 「馬鹿だから漢字を使うことが出来ない」という設定なので駄犬の画像が貼ってあるレスは全てひらがなです

it was established that "because it's stupid it can't use kanji" therefore all pictures of daken have posts in hiragana