Hello friends, student of Osensei here.  And, let me tell you, some times these aiki ju jitsu dudes will talk some shit about aikido.  "Aikido don't work" they will say to me on the mat.  Wow.  I just smile and let Osensei guide them forward.  
Last AJJ instructor I hadm was a funny guy.  A brazillian man, tiny but powerful.  He pinched me under my wrm really hard and when I jumped he said "Ha ha I just love practicing with Aikido people!!"  He was mocking me for the obvious 'reacting' that they teach us in Aikido class.  However, let me tell you this:  When he was speaking of Osensei, I felt the spirit move me, and I say "Sensei!" he said "Yes?" and I said "I have Jo." and he said "Oh well go get him then!"
and so I ran and got my jo staff and handed it to him.  He took it and I said "It is an honor sir." And let me tell you: This man, 150 lbs of him, he took that Jo staff and did perfectly, Osensei's jo kata, like I have never seen before.  In one spot, within hmm ten feet, he was a whirlwind.  That jo staff was wipping around like a piece of five ounce bamboo, I had no doubt he could have killed any of us with it.  A the end of the kata, as you may know the jo SNAPS into the final position and I swear I saw that thing bend, as he perfectly did just that, snapping it perfectly into Osensei's final position.  I was completely breathtaken this was offhand on the spur of the momnent.  A true Sensei taking up some tool and showing us that whatever he can master, he can be critical of.
I just thought I would share this story with you, as a practitioner of the mat.
I think the entire world does love Japan, and the merciful spirit spoken of here is demonstrated on both sides, as we did not bomb Kyoto and anyway Arrupe (Jesuit) was in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and so that was a Rome thing, not a USA thing.  I speak only of as your great PM Shinzo says "The mistakes of the past shall not be repeated."  
What a great and noble man he is, and it is always a pleasure to float our aircraft carriers there to defend your lovely people.