
hls to single: sm9[360p,128].hls 新・豪血寺一族 -煩悩解放 - レッツゴー!陰陽師.mp4
hls to single: cannot convert hls to mp4.
hls to single: args: "ffmpeg" "-loglevel" "debug" "-hide_banner" "-allowed_extensions" "m3u8,cmfv,cmfa,key,mp4,m4s,m4a,ts,webm,flv" "-protocol_whitelist" "crypto,tcp,tls,https,file" "-i" "..\cache\sm9[360p,128]_新・豪血寺一族 -煩悩解放 - レッツゴー!陰陽師.hls/master.m3u8" "-c:v" "copy" "-c:a" "copy" "-id3v2_version" "3" "-metadata" "title=新・豪血寺一族 -煩悩解放 - レッツゴー!陰陽師" "-metadata" "comment=sm9[360p,128].hls" "-y" "\Temp\nlHls2Mp4_14448354912795671705.mp4" 
hls to single: Splitting the commandline.
hls to single: Reading option '-loglevel' ... matched as option 'loglevel' (set logging level) with argument 'debug'.
hls to single: Reading option '-hide_banner' ... matched as option 'hide_banner' (do not show program banner) with argument '1'.
hls to single: Reading option '-allowed_extensions' ...Unrecognized option 'allowed_extensions'.
hls to single: Error splitting the argument list: Option not found