Release 101. This release adds ambient temperature to the game. Mappers can set it in their map.mapinfo file using the set_temp_for_type all g_suggested_ambient_temperature -20 (for instance). Players can change it in the create>mutators>enviromental mutators section. If g_ambient_temperature is 0 it is disabled. If the temp is too cold players lose body heat, if it is freezing they eventually freeze. By standing in or near a building, a fire, or being in a vehicle one can warm one'self up. If the temperature is set at 300 or more degrees (C) trees, shrubs, and wooden buildings reach autoignition and burn.

There are also some bugfixes submitted by Mario so as to reduce console spam via the EvaluateHitMaterial subroutines. Mario contributed some code to test if the cvar exists first, thus not accessing a not-yet existant Cvar and have the engine complain. Thanks Mario!