>  >Because I do it for "free"; this is the cost. I am not going to develop something for free for your benefit. I do it only for my benefit: thus I put whatever I am want in it.

> It doesn't benefit you though. Posting your thoughts about macaroni and cheese doesn't benefit you either.

Go and fuck yourself: you are not the arbitrator of what brings me pleasure you fucking son of a bitch.

>  >Which is why the OT puts no limit on the amounts of girls one might have, unlike Christians.

> It doesn't matter how many you have, they will all grow up to turn into women.

Are you a fucking retard? Are you? It sounds like you are. If I ever meet you, remind me to murder you. Clearly when one gets too old to be prime, you just get an additional young girl; while your other produces more girls; which then you can trade for more for yourself; while your boys help you murder and torture anyone who opposes your beliefs.