Richard Matthew Stallman, the founder of the Free Software Movement (which lead to Open Source, and also the GPLing of Quake) did nothing wrong, nor are his supposed views on cute young girls wrong. Only woman-worshiping job-seeking wage-slave white men hate him because he offended the religion of theirs: the worship of MUUHHH WHOITE WUUHHMAN (BETTER A MILLSTONE), etc.

Free software was better before the wage-slave whites invaded it; when it was just BASED Slavs, Jews, And Nerds (who whites rejected). Now the whites demand that everyone worship "MUUHH WUUHHMANNNNNN" and CANCEL any proud Prophet who says: Nyet: man exists NOT to serve "MUUHH WHOITE WWWUUHHMAN": stupid white cattle. Man should rule over the cute girls clearly, as the Prophets of old did (this enrages the white cattle "MUUUUUHHHH!!!!! MILLSTONE!!!!".