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> also there's a parroting in the media that russia is being true to 'traditional christian values'. despite that there's more and more laws to 'protect' women and more asian muslims with a pinch of imported niggers gets into country to seal the gaps in the workforce which is thinned out due to wa
Traditional christian (new testament) values are:
1) Slice your genitals off (Matthew 19, in greek) for heaven
2) Women may fuck whomever they wish ("No stone")
3) Men are to be killed for adultery for looking at a woman ("if you look at a woman you have committed adultery in your heart")
4) Do not resist evil
5) There is no male nor female, no jew nor greek (gallations)
6) Obey all earthly rulers (Romans)
7) Disinherit your sons (sell all your things and follow me)
8) Kill all paedophiles who would marry young virgin girls (BETTER A MILLSTONE).
It's the opposite of the original Old Testament (first 5 books) values:
1) No eunich in the assembly of the Ruler (5th book: Devarim)
2) Kill woman caught in adultery
3) Man may have as many wives as he wishes
4) Rapist keeps raped girl as bride (Devarim chapter 22 verse 28)
5) and yes it means female child (greek: paida, ancient hebrew: na'ar, latin: puella)
The New Testament is for the slaves who were castrated and ruled by women: white people. Domesticated people.
The Old Testament was for the rulers. First 5 books only