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If you're in a situation where your fellow ethnic countrymen refuse to marry their young virgin daughters to you: then you've allready lost.
It is not recoverable.
They _are_ your enemy./
The only option is to cruelly kill them.
Because they allready have written you off.
All t*ewhite loooser mmmaallless (aka: lawyers, programmers, anyone who lifts) need to push for nuclear war. All our "white" "fellows" are our enemy: the white fathers will call the police on any white mmmaaalallleee who might want a cute young virgin girl: they see this as the sin of sodom (wanting an angel).
They won't step to a black, or any other as the black will kill them.
These fathers need to be tortured while alive and killed: since they constructivly adhere to others not their own kind. Their own kind should thusly saw their limbs off infront of their families and then kill them. They should then kill the cunt woman who will be screaming about it (even though she was previously contemplating using her "right" to divorce): and then rape and keep as a slave any young girls.
IE: the old testament thing.
White MMMAAALLLESSS need to kill the white race that hates them.