thumbnail of 雪華 - 僕丸.png
thumbnail of 雪華 - 僕丸.png
雪華 - 僕丸 png
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Daggett bursts in, furious. Stryver tries to placate him.

DAGGETT: What the hell did I just drink, this is what passes for Champagne?!

STRYVER: Do you know like the best French Champagne it's vintage -           

DAGGETT: Clearly the "vintage" is shit, regardless of the date! Where's Baneson

STRYVER: We told him it was urgent -

DAGGETT: Then where is the fat bas -

BANESON WELLES (O.S.): MwwwAaaAAahhh… sssccchhpeak of the devil… 

Daggett turns. Baneson is already there.

BANESON WELLES: and he… has always been celebrated… for his excellence.

DAGGETT: What the hell's going on? Are you still drunk?

BANESON WELLES:The commersshhcial… is proceeding as expected.

DAGGETT: You see anyone drinking this pig swill?! (Moves towards Welles.) Your 
cheap marketing trick about "French" "champagne" won't work, my friend. And now
 you've got marketing team working non-stop to try and splice your drunk rambli
ngs into a coherent advertisement. How's that supposed to help my company sell 

BANESON WELLES: ‘’(TO STRYVER)’’ Leave usssch.                       

DAGGETT: You stay right there! Or I'm going to distribute wine from the actual 
province of Champagne, France, not your knock-off brand! 

Baneson places a hand that resembles a ham filled with cheap liquor on Daggett'
s shoulder.

BANESON WELLES: Do you feel… in Champagne?

Daggett is taken aback. Stryver leaves.   

DAGGETT: What did you mean by this? I've paid you a small fortune to -

BANESON WELLES: And that gives sobriety to me?                         

Daggett considers the bulging torso looming over him unsteadily. Nervous.

DAGGETT: What is this?

BANESON WELLES: Your money and infrastructure have been important. Till now.

DAGGETT: What are you?                        

BANESON WELLES Masson's reckoning. I wasn't born in France, but I'm payrolled by a man who was, Paul Masson, we will execute no man before his time.                      

 Baneson gently takes the terrified Daggett's head in his hands…

DAGGETT: You are true evil…

BANESON WELLES: For you… wait… I am necesssshary evil.

Welles' heavy hands again rest on Daggett's shoulders, for a moment Welles stares into the distance as his hefty girth oscillates under the influence of what must

have been a substantial pool of wine, Daggett is struggling under the effort of balancing the gargantuan alcoholic before him

DAGGETT: So… you aren’t going to hurt me?

‘'Welles looks at Stryver, his back visible in the doorway’''

BANESON WELLES: He doesn't do anything?

STRYVER:No, action Baneson, please.

BANESON WELLES: Ahh, of course…

Will Miku play Here I Stand with us?