thumbnail of [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-chan - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.44_[2015.10.01_18.01.45].jpg
thumbnail of [HorribleSubs] Himouto! Umaru-chan - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_03.44_[2015.10.01_18.01.45].jpg
[HorribleSubs]... jpg
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> I watched Mekakucity Actors first season. Don't know what happened after.
They managed to break out of the time-loop snek-boi put them in. Of course the Mekaku City Actors song series, manga, and anime all had different endings.

> Migu in that NEET hamster girl anime,
Oh yeah, but only as a figurine.

> and of course Miku herself in that Train anime.
Oh shit yeah. How could we forget Miku was in charge of defending Hokkaidou (her hometown IRL since Crypton is HQed there) using a transforming shinkansen. And they pulled all the stops having Miku be voiced by the voicebank.

> Technically anything that is an animation is anime, so animated music videos also are anime. As long as the animation is made in Japan that is.
If we want to out-pedant the pedants, anime refers to anything animated. As in, if you go to Amazon's アニメ section, you can see stuff like Frozen and Cars 2.