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> Could I post random anime characters or would that be against the rules
We do post unrelated characters once in a while, but we try to keep the thread mostly Vocaloid-related.
We can tolerate it, but familiarizing with the characters would be best.

> could you guys show me some vocaloids or whatever since I'm not really familiar with them
Most of us originally came from Miku Monday threads in 4chan, then moved to 8ch and then to here.
What made a lot of us interested in Vocaloid was the music, so checking the song thread might be a good idea:
There's all kind of genres in Vocaloid music, so you might find something you like. That said, not everyone will like synthesized singing, some songs will sound more or less human than others. The channel that  >>/5796/ posted is one of the best ones when it comes to realistic human-like vocals.

If you don't think the music is for you, but you still like the characters, you can can check Pixiv, Nico Nico Seiga, the boorus or even Twitter for images and other fanmade content. Just search for the "VOCALOID" or "ボーカロイド" tags.

Finally, there's a bunch of wikis out there like:
They won't necessarily help understand the characters better, but you might learn more about the software behind them in general.