> /leftypol/ has a whole bunkerchan themselves. I bet they're doing all right. I think Hotwheels even offered to do an AMA over there.
Hotwheels has changed quite a bit from his previous extreme speech positions.  I actually haven't heard about leftypol's bunker, where are they now?  Did the /liberty/ folk even manage to set up any sort of bunker anywhere, or are they just as terribly unorganized as ever?
> I tried to preserve as much of the music thread as possible, but unfortunately I wasn't able to grab everything. The good news is I preserved most of the good content prior to the whole shooter fiasco
It's bretty gud stuff you've managed to scrounge up.  I imagine that must have taken quite a lot of effort.
> Found a /monarchy/ diaspora anon on spacechan.
I guess he didn't see the radio bulletin txti before everything shut down--it did all go down so incredibly quickly.  Actually, it's still viewable on the announcement bar if you view the 8chan /monarchy/ board via its onion link.

Did Maistre-poster, Russiaboos, and Sakamoto-poster manage to make it?  You guys around?