I should of handed out a warnin after april first. since this was starting to drag on.

Here's an update guys


April 3, 2017 - 4:30am [GMT]

Board recovery scripts are working well on our dev. Boards should start coming back up soon. /sudo/ and /wooo/ will come online first; /sudo/ to complain about what happened and /wooo/ to lament Undertaker vs. Roman Reigns.

Boards within each batch will come online in any order. I will update this page as each board comes online. The original 8chan frontpage will be restored after the final batch ends and before we start restoring the rest of the boards not listed in the following batches.
Batches will be restored in the following order:

    1. /a/, /b/, /hwndu/, /pol/, /v/
    2. /co/, /tv/, /tech/, /k/
    3. /tg/, /monster/, /christian/, /hgg/
    4. /n/, /newsplus/, /polk/, /brit/
    5. /argentina/, /egy/, /asmr/, /cuteboys/
    6. /erp/, /loli/, /cow/, /kc/
    7. /pone/, /fur/, /furry/, /leftypol/

After finishing these batches, the rest of the boards will come online in order sorted by active users. Not yet sure how long each batch will take to process, but I'm estimating an average of 30 minutes to an hour per batch. Posting on each board won't be enabled until that board's restoration is finished.