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I could have sworn I was just at my keyboard...

> browsing /monster/ like usual

I don't quite feel myself actually, I feel quite ill...  it is dark and cold.

> unable to move your body
> unable to see, speak, or hear anything
> you must scream but have no mouth

"CALM DOWN!!" You think to yourself... this much be a dream, one of those hellish nightmares after eating too much spicy food...  

> you begin to feel searing hot pain along your back

> a voice speaks to your mind

"Con.." ... " to nervous system"

> the hot pain begins to dissipate as a gelatinous cooling soothing feeling flows over your body

"Adding skeletal and muscul..ular tissue..."

This is by far the strangest 'dream' ever you thought to yourself and begin to think about...

> If I am going to get a new body it would be nice if I was...

A) Smarter
B) Faster
C) Ideal
D) more Lucky in life

> as I was a

1) University Student
3) Part Timer w/ roommate
4) Lived in parents basement masturbating to figurines

first posts 0-4 determine A-D, 5-9 for 1-4! go!