> "What the-" I spurt out before I regain some of my sense.
> I realize I took few steps back and she followed, no way I can even try to slam door shut now.
> She gives me an embarrassed look.
> I decide to try defusing the situation with humor.
> "You look different than I recall, do you have new haircut or something?" I ask.
> It went smoother in my head.
> She looks me bit surprised look and fondles her hair with her hands.
> They're covered in fur from elbow to knuckles. 
> Her palms seem big enough for her to cover her entire face with single hand.
> Then suddenly she smiles with her mouth open.
> "You were joking, right? It's obvious I've turned into something... but you acted like I just looked bit different and asked about my hair since that's easiest way to look different."
> I nervously smile back.
> The way she moved her hands and talked convinced me that this isn't just some hidden camera prank.
> She suddenly looks worried.
> I realize she's looking at my shaking hand that holds knife.
> Damn I had forgotten about it.

1. "Don't come closer or I'll stab you!"
2. "Oh I just grabbed this when I heard knocking, the emergency broadcast spooked me."
3. Drop the knife.
4. "Sometimes I feel like cutting myself... another slice of cake."