thumbnail of 14 Staraja soldatskaja pesnia.mp3
thumbnail of 14 Staraja soldatskaja pesnia.mp3
14 Staraja... mp3
(3.91 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 10 Ja vnov povstrechalsia s nadezhdoj.mp3
thumbnail of 10 Ja vnov povstrechalsia s nadezhdoj.mp3
10 Ja vnov... mp3
(5.05 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 04 Bumazhnyj soldat.mp3
thumbnail of 04 Bumazhnyj soldat.mp3
04... mp3
(2.02 MB, 0x0)
These tracks will either sound like shit, or if you have good headphones will include a tickle of the eardrum.