thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
07. 源屋... ogg
(34.66 MB, 0x0)
thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
thumbnail of 07. 源屋 — Acceralation.ogg
07. 源屋... ogg
(3.93 MB, 0x0)
I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as lossless ogg, is in fact, ogg/FLAC, or as I've recently taken to calling it, ogg plus FLAC. Ogg is not an audio codec unto itself, but rather a container component of a fully functioning audio format made useful by the codecs it's compatible with.