> will you come shitpost down at nanochang sometime

Of course, in fact I already am. I don't think I'll ever reveal my identity there for anonymity reasons and I won't spend any more time on it than I previously did with nanochan but yeah I'm there.
> asukafag hates him way more than he ever hated you lol

Yeah pretty interesting to see all the different permutations of endofunctor he came up with honestly
> srs bzns person

Now that you mentioned it yeah, he did seem like he was moderating differently than when he was just a janny. But I 
never really cared anyway, I'm no stranger to shitting up threads myself but if someone wanted there to be higher 
quality discussion I would not object to that. But I can't say I agree with shitting on nanons for it; while I think 
it's true that nanochan's quality has been very much diluted over the years I'd still be friends with all you faggots, yeah asukafag too. Though he feels like the type of eccentric retard character to repeatedly betray the friend group over and over again throughout the course of the story and be the general source of plot and conflict. The irony and the shameless gloating about fulfilling the will of hakase with his imminent recapture of the nanochan community or something has been enjoyable to read too. anyway hope uve been well nyanon