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thumbnail of 7325944182831336710 Miau-264.mp4
7325944182... mp4
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> math allergic
I think it's because it's socially acceptable to be "bad at math" and people would rather just adopt that characteristic than feel as if they have to go through the effort of learning
The difference between a subject like math and something like history is that, with history, you don't "know" what you don't know and the lack of information or understanding doesn't make itself´apparent to the student, but with math you are directly confronted with the task to solve equations that you might not know and thus, if you are unable to do so, it's a clear reminder that you are a failure to some extent. It makes people feel insecure and thus they would just rather say "I am bad at math" and move on with their lives.
I wouldn't even say that he was a factor in it at all but that's because I have personally been annoyed since april
> stole post number 100 because I was typing slow
Acabou.... the triple digit territory, forever claimed by the funkertons...
Next digit, I will strike whilst the iron is hot, surely.
It's a little funny but I have noticed that I write with proper apostrophes, capitalization and sometimes even proper punctuation on slow-posting sites. No clue as to why this difference exists. Silly