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I feel like the math inability is just stemming more from the way math is taught than just the factors you said. Personally, I didn't even know that you actually have to work through the math if you want to get good at math until I hit college level education. Of course it's easier for some people and harder for others but just the lack of comprehension in general populace that math is a skill, that you can learn and get good at and it's not some arcane magic that you either understand or don't is a big big factor.
I can understand that some people just dislike the feeling of inability to solve things, I get frustrated too sometimes with hard concepts, I wouldn't berate somebody for giving up math if it was just taking up way way too much time to learn at more than basic level. But then people don't even try.
I probably mentioned it already sometime but there's really almost no feeling comparable for me to solving a hard problem that I've been working on for multiple hours or sometimes even days. The moment it all just clicks, it's something else, if anything the best descriptor I can think of it's like a divine inspiration, or what one of my professors called "an eureka moment".
It's pretty much the most significant factor why I sometimes go off and try to evangelize on math, though it's very hard to get people to relate outside of academia or specific circles.
> I have personally been annoyed since april
If they all have straight up left, or even if we had a few more people talking but they were not trying at every opportunity to sneak the cave-culture in, I wouldn't mind honestly. Maybe if we had like 10 people suddenly it would've felt strange, even if they were all likeminded.
But then the whole response to this whole thing... Was just too mellow. I can relate ever so slightly to wanting to keep the light touch on moderation, like I have a friend server, they do post stupid stuff sometimes but we just don't moderate each other by deleting things, just by peer pressure to stop being tarded, which is fine.
But then when you have a site like this it's just different since there's no real gatekeeping of people coming in and if they are persistent enough they can drive others out. So you gotta do what you gotta do and sometimes have to remove the bad apple, especially if it's a long-term thing where infractions seem minor but they just try to piss everyone off by skirting the rules just ever so slightly.
Anyway blogpost over, I will be going to eat now.
> number 100 is funky
As it should be >:3 Look at it and tell me it's not a GREAT TOK.
> spoiler
I don't really change anything about my posting but I definitely write longer posts I think because of the way it's not as synchronized as before. Which is fine, maybe it'll be bad for a few gimmicks but it also encourages putting some meat into the posts which is always nice too, love a good blogpost ngl.