thumbnail of 7330231606784904481 Cypher getting groovy with it #gaming #Valorant #valorantcosplay #cyphercosplay_264.mp4
thumbnail of 7330231606784904481 Cypher getting groovy with it #gaming #Valorant #valorantcosplay #cyphercosplay_264.mp4
7330231606... mp4
(16.31 MB, 1080x1920 h264)
first tenshi post on the new site, lets, freaking, boosted to immortal 2, gooooooooooooooo
I've heard good things about this, I am actually excited for a24slop for the first time.
> run time
okay, I am no longer excited.
it's not lord of the ring's director's cut, come on. movies should be 90 minutes long.

also, since you didn't make it obvious
movie movie movie
film film film