7328079141... mp4
(9.08 MB, 720x1280)
I've tried joining random games on 4chan's /tg/ board and it almost never works out. Only ever had success with it when I recruited random players from there for a VTM game.
Even then, of the 5 I started with, 3 disappeared without a word by session 9. The other 2 guys are solid though.
> >CHAT2
Only 4 campaigns?
Pretty rookie numbers neko. I've played at least like 5 pathfinder campaigns, 3 3.5s, 1 5e, a single session of 4th edition as an villain PC
But yeah, BG3 is 5th edition, so it's kinda shit, but I think it's quite good for the options it enables you to do, you've got far more freedom than any other CRPG I've tried, and the map is well designed.