thumbnail of 7274767758250953989.mp4
thumbnail of 7274767758250953989.mp4
7274767758... mp4
(4.51 MB, 576x1024 h264)
> #claude 
No idea how that works, but I'm glad it worked out for you :)
> I sincerely hope she isn't paying £100 to £200 per video
I've just watched a 2 minute snippet out of 8 minute video of tenshi (it was brutal, I will not subject myself to more) and I can understand why it would be like 100£ per video (it probably takes a fair bit of editing), but then, why in the holy goddamn is she even doing those if they're like 2k views? This has to be clearly a vanity project, because I cannot imagine pissing away money like that, you else do the editing yourself at that viewership, or not do it at all.
> 3 days after posting this video my twitch got hacked and I lost £1184 WHAT THE HECKKKK
Top comment by tenshi on that video LMAO
> he's got bottom roll for pushups but top roll for donuts
NAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR, we're not losing weight with those rolls... Acabou...